Recovery Circles (RCs)

A Recovery Circle is a small group of 3-6 people who commit to meet on a regular basis to promote their recovery. Usually one person comes up with the kind of group they want (e.g., all atheists, available Sundays, 9am Pacific Time), and then starts looking for others to join. Since this will be a closed group, it’s best to use discretion so that people don’t feel excluded. One of the pluses is that you can have crosstalk and use outside OA resources, if you so choose. Once you find your people you agree on ground rules (e.g., commit to meeting every other week, confidentiality, taking equal turns using a timer, etc.,), and then you’ve got a recovery group! The handout (link below), will give you more helpful tips and ideas. 

Recovery Circles handout (pdf, 3 pages, updated 10 June 2024)

Recovery Circles, audio recording from June 2021 presentation (13 min)

Recovery Circle (RC) Workshop, audio recording (36 min) from June 23, 2024. Hear from presenter Alan and panelists Christine, Claire, Janet, and Marv. Learn how to start your own RC!

Free Zoom Rooms for RCs

If you’re starting a secular Recovery Circle, you are eligible to apply for a free slot on our Recovery Circle Zoom Room account. You will have up to 2 hours per week, per circle, and the groups will not be published (so, low chance of a Zoom disruptor!).

RC Host Application
RC Co-Host Application