Jenne M: The 12 Forks
Jenne M: Thank god, not!!!
Martha S: The principle of Step 4 is courage
Martha S: Steps 6 and 7
Maggie M: Today I can
David M: A vision for me
Carol G: Lost in the scary forest of overeating

Welcome to Secular Overeaters*

You are not alone. 

For atheists, agnostics, and others with different spiritual or religious beliefs beyond the mainstream, “the god thing” in Overeaters Anonymous (OA)* can be hard to navigate. Theist solutions and patriarchal language in OA materials and at traditional meetings can create serious barriers to recovery.  

Members who have decades of success working a secular OA program are here to share resources and their experience of recovery from compulsive food behaviorsindependent of religious beliefs and never having to “act as if” they believe in things they don’t.

Recovery is about healing the human spirit. Your options may vary, but no gods or miracles are required!

[*Is Secular Overeaters the same as Overeaters Anonymous? No! Find out more.]

Get to a Meeting

Find your people at an OA secular phone or Zoom meeting.

Alternative Steps

Shake off the god-talk with these secular-friendly steps.

Tools for Success

This list of tools helps when food issues are front and center.

Are You a Newcomer?

Find out about OA and how the secular movement can help!

Our Stories

Secular stories from OA’s Lifeline magazine.

Listen to a Podcast

We have curated a list of secular OA podcasts speakers.

Write a Daily Inventory

Try one of six formats, and download a copy for your journal.