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SO Recovery Chip

In 2023 the Secular Overeaters Board decided to invest in a recovery chip. Many 12-Step programs offer them as a welcome to the community and for abstinence birthdays (e.g., a 10-year chip for 10 years of sobriety). We began distribution to everyone who requested one after submitting their 2023 community survey. And starting in February of 2024, we will include one in all newcomer packets.

But How Can I Get a Chip?

We will send a chip to anyone who hasn’t received one already. If you are able to make a $5 donation to help with mailing costs, we would appreciate that!

I’d like a chip!
I’d like to make a donation!

Front of SO Chip, image of a bird with 3 forks.
Our first recovery chip!
Photo of SO recovery chip includes image of bird with three forks and backside includes Serenity Poem: we seek the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Secular Overeater's first recovery chip (2023)