
We are lucky that so many Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Intergroups host podcast channels, but there is still a lot of god-talk to wade through. Here is a curated list of shares by secular and spiritual fellows including atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, pantheists, and others.

Secular Podcasts
God-lite Podcasts

Do you have a favorite secular episode? Send us the details including the link, fellow’s name, date, and short description, and we’ll post it. 

Podcast Channels

Secular Overeaters (this website) has a podcast. We post recordings from SO events (like the Thank-a-thon), the Sponsor Speaker Series, the monthly Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting, and more. Do a search on your favorite podcast app and subscribe today!

Overeaters Anonymous Secular Podcast for Atheists, Agnostics, and Freethinkers
Secular members of Overeaters Anonymous share their experience, strength, and hope with recovering from compulsive overeating. Subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes, or your favorite platform. Recorded at the Secular Overeaters Anonymous Zoom meeting for atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers held Saturdays at 8AM (PT) / 11AM (ET). Meeting login information can be found on our meeting page.

The East Bay Unity Intergroup, located in the San Francisco Bay Area, recently launched a new podcast channel. Episodes include long shares from the Emeryville Freethinkers Monday meeting where the monthly speaker topic is Steps Two, Three, and Eleven. 

Search for “Overeaters Anonymous East Bay” in your favorite podcast app or listen to a few of the podcasts listed below.

The Los Angeles Intergroup (LAIG) Virtual Speakers’ Bureau has by far the largest collection of OA fellow podcasts. Most are hosted on their website, but you can also subscribe to their channel on many podcast apps.

For those who seek a secular path to recovery, this podcast offers really high-quality recordings covering a variety of recovery topics examined through an agnostic lens, including: sobriety, secular Twelve-Step history, the Steps and Traditions, and different professions in recovery (like “Doctors in Recovery” or “Teachers in Recovery”). In addition, each podcast is transcribed and there are photos; overall a very professional presentation. 

Check the Secular Podcasts 2019 section below for two great interviews focused on food addictions.

No God OA: An Atheist’s Journey in Secular Overeaters Anonymous
Host Brad leads us through his experiences in secular recovery from compulsive food behaviors. 

Tus Nua Voices, based in Ireland, is a recovery podcast for Freethinkers.

This channel focuses on Secular Overeaters workshop recordings and the Alternative Steps discussion meetings. Subscribe to the Secular Overeaters podcast on your favorite platform!
This channel focuses on the meeting's 20 minute "shares" or "leads" given by a secular OA member. Subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Secular Recordings

These speakers are self-identified as atheists, agnostics, or having a non-deity-focused spiritual practice. As we continue to add new podcasts, the more recent ones will be at the top of the list.

031024 | Secular Overeaters Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Workshop | 67 min
Susan, a CBT and DBT therapist and member of OA, shares different techniques (e.g., RAIN, STOP, TIPP, ACCEPT, IMPROVE and Alternate Rebellion) to help members mitigate compulsive food issues. Check Managing Emotions for more information.

021824 | Discussion of Alternative Versions of Step 2 | 32 min
The third Sunday of the month Secular Overeaters Alternative Step Study meeting discusses eight versions of Step 2. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Discussion Guide, Version 2 

012124 | Discussion of Alternative Versions of Step 1 | 27 min
The third Sunday of the month Secular Overeaters Alternative Step Study meeting discusses eight versions of Step 1. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Discussion Guide, Version 2 


110523 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #5 | Part 1: Updates | 27 min
SO volunteers update the community on their service projects.

110523 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #5 | Part 2: Avoiding Holiday Triggers  | 7 min
Member Alan leads the community through a quick exercise to help with holiday food triggers. The Trigger Inventory Management Exercise (TIME) form will help you identify compulsive food behavior triggers and possible fixes: https://bit.ly/SO-TriggerWorksheet

110523 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #5 | Part 3: Vera Tarman, MD  | 62 min
Author Dr Vera Tarman talks about her journey and explains the science behind food addiction. Includes the “after party” discussion.

062523 | Outside Resources Presentation | 51 min
Secular Overeaters Panel on “outside OA” resources includes presentations by four secular members (Adele, Brian, Kay and Susan) as well as audience shares. Panelist resources can be found here.

051423 | Temporary Step Sponsoring: A 10 Week Program  | 43 min
Secular Overeaters presents a path to being a temporary sponsor and leading a new secular member through the first 3 Steps using OA and secular literature, sharing secular resources, and helping them build a recovery team. Click on the link below to follow along.
Handouts: Temporary Secular Step Sponsoring Packet

021223 | Recovery Strategies for Secular Overeaters | 49 min
Listen to shared wisdom from the SO Recovery Workshop held on February 12, 2023.

121822 | Freethinker Alternative Step Study | Step 12 | 38 min
The third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Step Study meeting discusses eight versions of Step 12. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

112022 | Freethinker Alternative Step Study | Step 11 | 33 min
The third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Step Study meeting discusses eight versions of Step 11. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

101622 | Freethinker Alternative Versions of Step 10 | 34 min
The third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Step Study meeting discusses eight versions of Step 10. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

091822 | Freethinker Alternative Versions of Step 9 | 38 min
The third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Step Study meeting discusses eight versions of Step 9. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

082122 | Discussion of Alternative Versions of  Step 8 | 36 min
On the third Sunday of the month, the Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting discussed eight versions of Step Eight. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

081422 | Secular Overeaters Accountability Buddy Panelists and Q&A | 28 min
Listen to panelists Dawn, Judy, Marta and Scarlet talk about their Accountability Buddies, followed by Q&A.

071722 | Discussion of Alternative Versions of  Step 7 | 50 min
On the third Sunday of the month, the Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting discussed eight versions of Step Seven. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

062622 | Secular Overeaters Sponsor Ask-It Basket Workshop | 41 min
Participants anonymously post questions on sponsoring for the group to answer. Answers to questions cover all aspects of secular sponsoring.

061922 | Discussion of  Alternative Versions of Step Six | 40 min
On the third Sunday of the month, the Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting discussed eight versions of Step Six. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

051522 | Discussion of Alternative Versions of Step Five | 36 min
Drop in on the third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting as members talked about various versions of Step Five. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

041722 | Discussion of Alternate Versions of Step Four | 37 min
Drop in on the third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting as members talked about various versions of Step Four. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

032022 | Discussion of Alternate Versions of Step Three | 34 min
Drop in on the third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting as members talked about various versions of Step Three. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

022022 | Discussion of Alternate Versions of Step Two  | 39 min
Drop in on the third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting as members talked about various versions of Step Two. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

013022Secular Sponsor Panel | Secular Overeaters | 93 min
Secular sponsors Meghan, Patrice, Sarah, and Staci share how they became sponsors and how they work with their secular sponsees. Includes Q&A with workshop attendees.

011622 | Discussion of Alternate Versions of Step One |33 min
Drop in on the third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Meeting as members talked about various versions of Step One. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Guide: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters 

121921 | Alternative Twelve Step Discussion Monthly Meeting | Step 12 Versions | 39 min
Drop in on the third Sunday of the month Freethinker Alternative 12 Step Discussion Meeting as members talk about various versions of Step 12. Check the meeting schedule for the next date and join us! Handouts: Alternative 12 Step Discussion Guide for Secular Overeaters

120421 | Step Twelve | Jenne | 19 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup
Jenne, an atheist, talks about how she works Step Twelve.

102421 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #4,  Part 1 | Initiative Updates | 17 min
Get updates on the eight SO Initiatives: Community Name, Events, Literature, Meetings, Newcomers, Practical Tips, Sponsoring, and OA Secular Special Focus Service Board.

102421 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #4, Part 2 | Recovery Inventory | min
Alan leads the gathering through a Recovery Inventory exercise, which you can do at home or with a friend! Instructions (pdf, 1 page)

102421 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #4, Part 3 | Jeffrey Munn | 66 min
Author Jeffrey Munn talks about his recovery and his book Staying Sober Without God, and he takes questions from the gathering.

100321 | Secular Sponsor Panel | 75 min | Secular Overeaters
Secular sponsors Ashley, Jenne, Kathie, and Steven share how they work with their secular sponsees as well as take questions from workshop attendees.

071721 | Tradition Seven | Doris | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup
Doris, an atheist, talks about how she integrates the Seventh Tradition in her daily life. This will blow your mind!

062821 | Accountability Buddies  | 28 min | Secular Overeaters
Recording of workshop on Accountability Buddies—what they are and how to find one! A great option if you don’t have a secular sponsor but want support.

061321 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #3, Part 1 | Initiative Updates | 15 min
Learn about the eight SO Initiatives: Community Name, Events, Literature, Meetings, Newcomers, Practical Tips, Sponsoring, and OA Secular Special Focus Service Board.

061321 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #3, Part 2 | Recovery Circles | 13 min
Find out how to create a Recovery Circle, a small group of 3-6 people who commit to meet on a regular basis to promote their recovery. Handout: OA Recovery Circles (pdf, 3 pages)

061321 | Secular Overeaters Community Gathering #3, Part 3 | John Sheldon | 41 min
John Sheldon started his podcast, Beyond Belief Sobriety, in 2015. He shares his involvement in the secular AA community and history of agnostics in AA, and takes questions from the gathering.

032921 | Sponsor Workshop | Relapse | Alan | 23 min
Sponsor Alan talks through four warning signs of relapse (OA Program, Physical, Emotional/Spiritual, and Life Triggers) and offers suggestions for recovery. Link: Relapse Prevention Support Group Workshop

032221 | Sponsor Workshop | Slogans | Rachel | 27 min
Sponsor Rachel is back again and she shares favorite slogans and role-models with a sponsee how to apply one to everyday problems. Handout: Slogans That Have Helped Us

031521 | Jenne | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 21 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
The tools and outside secular resources are key to her recovery.

031521 | Sponsor Workshop | Study Groups | Rachel | 25 min
Sponsor Rachel leads us through available resources that can help us form Step study groups. Resources: Twelve Step Workshop and Study Guide, The Twelve Step Workbook of OA, and Exploring Abstinence through Writing.

030821 | Sponsor Workshop | Service | Paula | 32 min
Sponsor Paula shares the importance of service in recovery, which can include simple acts such as putting away shopping carts and volunteering to reading at meetings or taking on a weekly service commitment. Handout: Forms of Service

030121 | Sponsor Workshop | Steps Two and Three | Arlene O | 23 min
Sponsor Arlene is back to talk about Steps Two and Three from the OA 12&12. Her Post-It notes: Steps 2 and 3 (pdf)

022221 | Sponsor Workshop | Steps Eight and Nine | Rachel | 28 min
Sponsor Rachel shares how she personally completed the Eighth and Ninth Steps and provides a framework for how to make amends to yourself. Includes Q&A with other sponsors and members.

021221 | Frank | Apple Podcast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 21 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
A 100-pounder, in OA for over 40 years, scientist Frank discusses spiritual practices as an atheist.

021521 | Sponsor Workshop | Exercise | Alan | 21 min
Sponsor Alan shares how to include exercise as part of your action plan. Q&A leads to a discussion about extra skin.

020121 | Sponsor Workshop | Positivity | Alan | 32 min
Sponsor Alan shares how positivity can change behavior. Ways to implement positivity can include mindful eating, exercise, laughter, social connection, positive media, music, affirmations, and pet therapy. Suggested positive affirmation app (ThinkUp) and positive music (Empty Hands Music).

012521 | Sponsor Workshop | Daily Inventories | Laura & Kimberly | 27 min
Sponsors Laura and Kimberly share various ways to practice Tenth Step daily inventories. Includes Q&A with other sponsors and members. Handouts: Vowel Inventory and

011821 | Anna | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
A 100-pounder whose views on HP changed after a tragedy.

011821 | Sponsor Workshop | Writing | Jenne M | 29 min
Sponsor Jenne talks about the role of writing in recovery and shares five inventory formats. Handout: Tenth Steps/Daily Inventories (5 Inventory Formats)

011121 | Sponsor Workshop | Outreach Allie S | 33 min
Sponsor Allie S shares how to use the phone, texting, email, or WhatsApp to stay connected. Includes role plays and Q&A with other sponsors and members. Handout: Outreach

010421 | Sponsor Workshop | Listening Tools Jim D | 27 min
Sponsor Jim shares several good listening practices to use as a sponsor or listening buddy. Includes Q&A with other sponsors and members. Handout: Listening Skills

122920 | Secular Overeaters | 50 min | AA Beyond Belief Episode 203
Jenne M and Jim D, both secular members of Overeaters Anonymous, talk about their struggles with food, the difficulty they encountered as atheists in OA, their experiences with starting secular OA groups, and their new website secularovereaters.org

122820 | Sponsor Workshop | Action Plans | Rachel B | 33 min
Sponsor Rachel talks about how to create and use action plans, role plays with a fellow, and answers audience questions. Handouts: Action Plans and Slogans.

122120 | Sponsor Workshop | Group Support | Alan S | 31 min
Sponsor Alan shares different models of group support including Recovery Circles. Handout: Recovery Circles

121420 | Sponsor Workshop | Developing a Food Plan | Allie S and Arlene O | 19 min
Sponsors Arlene and Allie share food plans. 

120720 | Sponsor Workshop | Identifying Food Behaviors and Approaches | Arlene O and Allie S | 24 min
Sponsors Allie and Arlene share their different approaches.

113020 | Sponsor Workshop | Secular Sponsoring | Vini T and Sue J | 19 min
Sponsor Vini T shares  how she sponsors. Then Vini and her sponsee, Sue, demonstrate how they worked on an issue together.

112620 | Bertha | SO Hosted | 25 min | Secular Overeaters
Secular Overeaters Thank-a-thon Speaker 1

112620 | Meghan | SO Hosted | 20 min | Secular Overeaters
Secular Overeaters Thank-a-thon Speaker 2

111420 | Grecia | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Topic: The Tools. Was morbidly obese, used food to cope with feelings, often felt “fake” hunger. His #1 tool is Plan of Eating.

110720 | Alan S | OA 2020 Region 7 Convention | 33 min | Atheists and Agnostics Workshop
Hundred pounder. Shares his OA story and practices. Insecure childhood, was in foster care, sugar and school saved him, went to OA at 20, was impressed by authentic shares at meetings,  decided to stay, and slowly recovered.

102620 | Erik W | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 18 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Before-and-After story focusing on the evolution of his food plan.

102420 | Melissa | Apple PodcastPocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Topic: Changes since joining OA. Higher power-using agnostic with a Buddhist practice, came from a fundamentalist background. 

101720 | Bertha R | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 23 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Grew up in a theocracy (Ireland), abuse survivor. Had a problem with the Steps, especially a male God, follows an internal blueprint that guides her to do the next best thing.

091920 | Carol G | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 15 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, 12 Step Marathon
Topic: Steps 1-3. She reworded the Steps so they worked for her.

081720 | Carol G | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 14 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
She has a spiritual practice and a guru.

080820 | Doris M | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 22 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM 
Atheist discusses the Eighth Tradition.

072020 | Meghan W | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 19 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Atheist explains how she works the Steps.

071120 | Jenne | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 17 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Atheist lesbian talks about the OA Nine Tools.

062720 | Barbara C | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Has a Buddhist practice, came out as lesbian later in life.

042020 | Alan S | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 22 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Outlines a secular way to work the Steps.

033020 | Grecia | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 21 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
He finds no comfort in God.

122920 | Secular Overeaters | 50 min | AA Beyond Belief Episode 203
Jenne M and Jim D, both secular members of Overeaters Anonymous, talk about their struggles with food, the difficulty they encountered as atheists in OA, their experiences with starting secular OA groups, and their new website secularovereaters.org

122820 | Sponsor Workshop | Action Plans | Rachel B | 33 min
Sponsor Rachel talks about how to create and use action plans, role plays with a fellow, and answers audience questions. Handouts: Action Plans and Slogans.

122120 | Sponsor Workshop | Group Support | Alan S | 31 min
Sponsor Alan shares different models of group support including Recovery Circles. Handout: Recovery Circles

121420 | Sponsor Workshop | Developing a Food Plan | Allie S and Arlene O | 19 min
Sponsors Arlene and Allie share food plans. 

120720 | Sponsor Workshop | Identifying Food Behaviors and Approaches | Arlene O and Allie S | 24 min
Sponsors Allie and Arlene share their different approaches.

113020 | Sponsor Workshop | Secular Sponsoring | Vini T and Sue J | 19 min
Sponsor Vini T shares  how she sponsors. Then Vini and her sponsee, Sue, demonstrate how they worked on an issue together.

112620 | Bertha | SO Hosted | 25 min | Secular Overeaters
Secular Overeaters Thank-a-thon Speaker 1

112620 | Meghan | SO Hosted | 20 min | Secular Overeaters
Secular Overeaters Thank-a-thon Speaker 2

111420 | Grecia | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Topic: The Tools. Was morbidly obese, used food to cope with feelings, often felt “fake” hunger. His #1 tool is Plan of Eating.

110720 | Alan S | OA 2020 Region 7 Convention | 33 min | Atheists and Agnostics Workshop
Hundred pounder. Shares his OA story and practices. Insecure childhood, was in foster care, sugar and school saved him, went to OA at 20, was impressed by authentic shares at meetings,  decided to stay, and slowly recovered.

102620 | Erik W | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 18 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Before-and-After story focusing on the evolution of his food plan.

102420 | Melissa | Apple PodcastPocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Topic: Changes since joining OA. Higher power-using agnostic with a Buddhist practice, came from a fundamentalist background. 

101720 | Bertha R | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 23 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Grew up in a theocracy (Ireland), abuse survivor. Had a problem with the Steps, especially a male God, follows an internal blueprint that guides her to do the next best thing.

091920 | Carol G | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 15 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, 12 Step Marathon
Topic: Steps 1-3. She reworded the Steps so they worked for her.

081720 | Carol G | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 14 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
She has a spiritual practice and a guru.

080820 | Doris M | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 22 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM 
Atheist discusses the Eighth Tradition.

072020 | Meghan W | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 19 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Atheist explains how she works the Steps.

071120 | Jenne | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 17 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Atheist lesbian talks about the OA Nine Tools.

062720 | Barbara C | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Has a Buddhist practice, came out as lesbian later in life.

042020 | Alan S | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 22 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Outlines a secular way to work the Steps.

033020 | Grecia | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 21 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
He finds no comfort in God.

061719 | Ella H | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 19 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
An eye-roller whose spiritual awakening is the ability to live with the truth.

061519 | John K | Apple Podcast | Los Angeles Intergroup OA Virtual Speakers Bureau
A raving atheist.

041519 | Martha S | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 21 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Freethinkers
Martha describes herself as a pantheist. She escaped her Alabama fundamentalist upbringing and her food addiction. She has been abstinent for more than 30 years.

080818 | Dr Vera Tarman | Apple Podcast | 39 min | AA Beyond Belief Episode 99
Dr. Tarman, author of the book Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction, talks about sugar and food addiction.

050418 | Lee | Apple Podcast | 36 min | AA Beyond Belief Episode 87
From London, England, recovery in OA without a “fluffy hippie god.” Advice for avoiding compulsive food behaviors when having uncomfortable feelings: #1, How do I feel in 10 words or less; #2, It’s okay to feel, this will pass; and #3 Do something different.

050617 | Dane S | LAIG Speakers Bureau | 36 min | Los Angeles Intergroup OA Virtual Speakers Bureau
His HP is the people in the room. 

031216 | KC V | Apple Podcast | 41 min | Los Angeles Intergroup OA Virtual Speakers Bureau
Diabetic; HP is other people in her life; raised by atheists.

God-lite Podcasts

These speakers did not self-identify as atheist or agnostic, but their shares are mostly God-free.

103120 | Meg F | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 23 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Topic: “The Doctor’s Opinion” in the Big Book. We have an allergy of the body and need to put down our alcoholic foods. Had a spiritual awakening: stopped blaming others, lets people be their own person, and listens to others.

101020 | Coco | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 21 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Topic: Sponsors. She realized she’s not the same person she was when she entered the program, so she shouldn’t have the same abstinence. Talks about her sponsor as a  “loving witness.”

100320 | Jo | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 22 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Topic: the Tenth Step. Jo was born rattled and food soothed her. Lost 160 lbs (73 kg), now focuses on being herself, and being the light.

082920 | Juls | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
The importance of truth and honesty. Very moving.

070420 | Harriet | Apple Podcast | Pocket Cast | Soundcloud | Spotify | 20 min | East Bay Unity Intergroup, Berkeley Saturday AM
Lost more than 120 lbs (54 kg), currently eight months pregnant, no god-talk in her share5

090118 | Ziva R | LAIG Virtual Speakers’ Bureau | 40 min
Did not believe in God but now an HP lives in her heart. She’s really funny!

042217 | Roberta L | Apple Podcast | 41 min | Los Angeles Intergroup OA Virtual Speakers Bureau
Long-time member, had ups and downs. Learned to love self instead of punishing. Constant search for a HP, always changing. Funny.