OA-approved Literature

If you’re a registered OA meeting (a meeting listed on oa.org), you will need to follow their rules and only use “conference-approved” literature. Most of what’s available is highly theistic and sexist. On this page you will find secular curated OA literature that can be used at OA (and non-OA) meetings, without offending your sensibilities.

The Non-theist Lifeline Collection

Secular volunteers read all the stories posted on OA’s Lifeline site and have identified stories that don’t mention the need for a higher power to recover. Some stories have a slight theist or spiritual whiff, and these are indicated by a dagger (†) at the beginning of the summary. Reader favorites have an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the title. Some stories have been cross-listed in different categories and so appear more than once.

Secular OA Lifeline Stories

TIP: Your meeting can make a copy of the Google Sheet, add columns, and track which stories you’ve already read. Go to the top menu of the Google Sheet and choose File > Make a copy.

(Lifeline was a monthly magazine that OA published between 1965 and 2020.)

Other God-free OA Literature

Here’s a list of other secular conference-approved readings you can use at your OA meetings. There are some links in this pdf, but your meeting will need to have a copy of most of the books referred to on the list.
Deity-free OA Literature for Meetings (pdf, 3 pages)

If you have OA secular content to suggest, let us know (contact us)!

"When you're headed for the fridge, consider picking up some literature instead." Collage by Carol G