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Upcoming Workshops

Accountability Buddy Workshop for Secular Overeaters

Sunday, September 8 | 9AM PT/Noon ET/5PM UK | 1 Hour | Free
Join this one-hour presentation to learn about the concept of Accountability Buddies, practice new skills, and get tips on how to find one of your own. A buddy is a great way to get more secular OA support, especially if you don’t have a sponsor yet or if you have a nonsecular sponsor. Register here BY MIDNIGHT, Saturday, September 7, for a reminder and the Zoom link:

Secular Overeaters Community Gathering

Sunday, November 10 | 9AM PT/Noon ET/5PM UK | 90 Minutes
Find out more about the Secular Overeaters Community, engage in a DBT recovery exercise to set you up for success before the holiday season begins and hear from speaker Serge Prengel (The Proactive 12 Steps  author and psychotherapist). Register here BY MIDNIGHT, Saturday, November 9, for a reminder and the Zoom link:

New Recordings

Accountability Buddy Workshop | Recorded April 14, 2024
SO Accountability Buddy Panel presentation by four secular members: Shirley, Tamm, Jen, and Dewayana (22 minutes)

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Class Recordings
SO just finished its first round of drop-in DBT classes led by trained therapist Susan P. Check the newsletter for an announcement of future classes. More recordings are available on our website or on your local podcast app (follow The Secular Overeaters Podcast).
Week 7 Recording (16 May 2024) | Handouts: Radical Acceptance
Week 8 Recording (23 May 2024) | Handouts: Behavior Chain Analysis

Recovery Circle Workshop | Recorded June 23, 2024
Secular Overeaters Recovery Circle (RC) Workshop with presenter Alan and four secular panelists: Christine, Claire, Janet, and Marv. Find out how to start your own RC! (36 minutes)

New Meetings and Classes

There is a new unregistered OA meeting that uses outside resources. Check the meeting schedule for the Zoom link and more information.

Nuts and Bolts of Recovery
Tuesdays | 4PM PT/7PM ET/12AM UK | 60 minutes
An unregistered OA meeting focussing on the changes that constitute recovery.

Service: Volunteer at our Workshops!

We need panelists, facilitators, and Zoom moderators for our Secular Overeaters events. 

If you’re interested in being a panelist or creating your own workshop, fill out this form:

If you’re interested in helping with Zoom or being a facilitator who reads parts in a script, fill out this form:

Annual Report for 2023

Read about what we’ve accomplished in 2023: Secular Overeaters Annual Report 2023

Secular Overeaters Alternative Step Discussion Begins in Its Fifth Year in 2024

Join us on the third Sunday of the month for an engaging discussion of eight sets of Steps (9am PT / Noon ET / 5pm UK). You don’t need to be working the Steps or the Step of the month to participate! Check Meetings for Zoom link and discussion guide information.

The Secular OA Stories Project

The OA Secular Service Board has started a project to collect stories by secular OA members for possible inclusion in an OA-approved book. Check here for more details:

Zoom Rooms Available for Recovery Circles!

Secular Overeaters now offers no-cost 2-hour weekly Zoom Room time slots for secular members wanting to start a recovery circle.
Find out more about Recovery Circles
Apply for a Zoom Room

God-free Readings for OA Meetings

If you’re an official OA meeting, you’re supposed to use only OA “conference-approved” literature. Here’s a list of OA readings (mostly from books) that are deity-free.

Secular OA Lifeline Stories
Volunteers compiled this list of secular and god-lite OA Lifeline stories for use at secular meetings or by individuals, and they are conference-approved! Your meeting can also make a copy of the Google Sheet and add things like a column to track the stories you’ve used.

This channel focuses on Secular Overeaters workshop recordings and the Alternative Steps discussion meetings. Subscribe to the Secular Overeaters podcast on your favorite platform!
"Happy, Joyous, and Free." Collage by David M